Dr. Jon JP Warner
Sep 30, 2020
Tour de Force of Tendon Transfers for the Shoulder Girdle by Bassem Elhassan
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: For those of you who may not know Bassem Elhassan will be joining us as the future leader of the MGH...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Sep 29, 2020
"The Australian Joint Registry: How Do TSA, RSA and Hemi Revisions Compare after 10 Years?"
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: When you offer a shoulder replacement to your patient how often does your patient ask you, "how long...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Sep 10, 2020
Measurement and Transparency from the standpoint of orthopedic patients seeking care
Dear CSS Colleagues and Members: Please find enclosed a link to our recent article which evaluates Measurement and Transparency from the...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Sep 8, 2020
From Innovation to Product….The Wisdom & Experience of Lanny Johnson
Dear CSS Colleagues: For those of you who don’t know who Lanny Johnson was, take a moment to consider this. Lanny, in his day, was an...