Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis in Young Patient
April 1, 2022​
This is a 42-year old male who developed shoulder pain 5 years ago after slipping and catching himself with his arms. What are the options?
Glenoid Cyst in Yoga and Pilates Instructor
March 7, 2022​
This is a 67-year old female yoga and pilates instructor with a glenoid cavity cyst. What are the options?
Bilateral Glenohumeral Arthritis with Glenoid Cavity Cysts
December 1, 2021​
This is a 69-year old female with bilateral glenohumeral arthritis with glenoid cavity cysts. What are the options?
Arthritis After Anterior and Posterior Labral Tear Repairs
October 8, 2021​
This is a 38 year-old male who had increasing pain after anterior and posterior labral tears repairs and was diagnosed with arthritis. What are the options?
Case Responses
Traumatic Biceps Brachii Muscle Belly Tear
August 19, 2021​
This case comes from Dr. Mark Frankle. This is a 40 year-old male body builder with a large high grade muscle belly tear of the short head biceps. What are the options?
Case Responses
Upper Extremity Dysfunction After Prior Procedures
July 26, 2021
This case comes from Dr. Mark Frankle. This is a 76 year-old female presenting with right upper extremity pain and dysfunction after multiple prior procedures. Concerns include soft tissue loss, lack of rotator cuff function, and detachment and likely loss of the deltoid muscles. Images are below. What are the options?
Case Responses
Axillary Palsy After Dislocation
July 14, 2021
This case comes from Dr. Ruth Delaney. This is a 65 year-old male with longstanding (5 years) axillary palsy after dislocation, completely atrophied deltoid, and a massive irreparable tear involving supra, infra, and subscap with almost complete "white out" of those muscles as well as of teres minor on the T1 sagittal sequences. Video examination is below. What are his options?
Case Presentation
Case Responses
Spinal Accessory Nerve Palsy
May 10, 2021
This case comes from Dr. Robert Arciero. This is a 20 year-old female lacrosse player with an 11-month history of spinal accessory nerve palsy. Video examination is below. What are her options?
Case Responses
Chronic Osteomyelitis of Proximal Humerus
April 30, 2021
This case comes from Dr. Ed Yian. The question is what to do by way of surgical management in a patient with chronic and extensive osteomyelitis of the entire proximal humerus (ms staph aureus).
Case Responses
Lipoma of the Supraspinatus
July 30, 2020
This case comes from Dr. Moustafa Hafez. This is a 51 year-old male who complains of pain in the anterior and middle aspects of the left non-dominant shoulder 1 month after using his arm to push something laterally in abd ER position. Pain is 4-5/10 and increases to 6 at night, radiating to the left arm. Associated with weak and painful elevation and painful depressing of the arm.
Case Responses
Left Shoulder Pain and Weakness
November 25, 2019
This patient presented to clinic with left shoulder pain and weakness. He has a complex left shoulder history listed in the case presentation. What are his options?
Case Responses
Proximal Humerus Avascular Necrosis
April 3, 2019
Patient presents with right proximal humerus avascular necrosis (AVN) following a history of left proximal humerus AVN. The patient and her family are concerned regarding the etiology of her multi-joint AVN, and want to find a specialist with a particular interest in AVN. What are her options?
Case Responses
Isolated Myotendinous Rupture of the Long Head of the Biceps
March 26, 2019
A "World's Strongest Man" competitor presents to clinic with a proximal biceps rupture after lifting a 420 pound atlas stone in a qualifying competition. Given the limited number of similar examples found in the literature, what are his options?
Case Responses