The True Costs of Orthopedic Care
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:
More than 100 years ago E. Amory Codman recognized that Value required an understanding of not only the outcome of treatment but the true costs of care. Avant-Garde Healthcare has moved this concept forward with a data analytics method which offers accurate measurement of the true costs of Orthopedic Care. Indeed, recent work by Dr. Andy Jawa (one of our CSS Members) and others have started to apply this approach to shoulder care. Enclosed is a recent Wall Street Journal Article which describes this important work. Those of you who attended the last CSS Meeting in San Diego at the San Diego Shoulder Institute, 2018 may remember Derek Haas the CEO of Avant-Garde Healthcare. He has kindly offered to help us move in this direction of price transparency and next year’s CSS Meeting will be focused in part on Measure meant in order to deliver Value in Shoulder Care.
For more information about Avant-Garde Healthcare, please go to my earlier posting on this blog about this organization.
Kind Regards,
JP Warner, MD