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Experts Reflect on Life Experiences in Shoulder Surgery

Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:

Enclosed are articles reflecting the life experience of two great leaders and thinkers in shoulder surgery.

Rich “Hawk” Hawkins speaks to the journey of his life and its purpose. He equates this to his enjoyment and impact, and those of you fortunate enough to have met him will hear the calm and melodic tone of his voice as you read this thoughtful expose. He chose to speak more about his journey than the innovations and leadership he offered as a shoulder expert, and that is the authentic “Hawk”who was not only an inspiration to his students but a friend.

Robert “Bob” Neviaser reflects on 50 years as a leader in shoulder surgery and a member of a true “Shoulder family” inclusive of several generations of Neviaser leadership in this area. He not only had a major impact in shaping shoulder care over these 5 decades, but he provided leadership for our journal which greatly impacted our ability to contribute scholarly work.

Both these men were a big part of my inspiration as I grew up watching them from the audience as they presented their thoughts from the podium. I am lucky to have had this inspiration and I hope you spend some time thinking about their journey. At the end of your careers you should be so fortunate to have had such a significant impact as innovator, educator, and mentor.

Best Regards,

JP Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

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