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The Jupiter Effect

Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:

It is my great pleasure and privilege to post on the life and accomplishments of a truly exceptional individual who is certainly on the short list of innovators in Upper Extremity Surgery in the past Century. Usually such postings honor a life after the fact, but we are fortunate that is not the case with this post, and more so, excellence of such magnitude deserves recognition now.

This individual is Dr. Jesse Jupiter, who is the current Hansjorg Wyss AO Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School. He is also the former Chief of Hand Surgery at MGH and past President of both the American Association of Hand Surgery and the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.

More importantly, his impact on the orthopedic world over the past 45+ years extends far beyond these impressive titles. He has been an innovator in fracture care, hand surgery, elbow surgery, and shoulder surgery where his innovations have touched every aspect of Orthopedic Surgery. A “Renaissance Man” is defined by the dictionary as an individual who possesses particularly special talents and knowledge. That would be an appropriate description of Jesse.

I am pleased to share a video of his recent Grand Rounds at MGH. It gives insight into this modest Renaissance man and his accomplishments. My hope is that this may serve as some inspiration for those of you who have the passion to make a difference by advancing your craft and creating value for patients, just as Jesse has done his entire professional life.

Kind Regards,

“JP” Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

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