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Measurement and Transparency from the standpoint of orthopedic patients seeking care

Dear CSS Colleagues and Members:

Please find enclosed a link to our recent article which evaluates Measurement and Transparency from the standpoint of orthopedic patients seeking care. This was published in the Journal of Orthopedic Experience and Innovation. As the Codman Shoulder Society (CSS) is committed to innovation and improvement of care, Codman’s principles of measurement are critical to our mission. Indeed, we all share the commitment to measure in order to improve. Prof. Robert Kaplan at HBS, and others, have said “If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it. If you can’t manage it you can’t improve it.” However, how many of you actually measure your outcomes and use these to systematically improve your care? How many of you transparently report your outcomes in a way patients can understand this and use it for their own decision-making? I believe that such transparency will actually give you a competitive advantage in addition to the opportunity for critical introspection to become better at what you do. Your patients will greatly appreciate this. Unfortunately this is not the norm for the some of the top Orthopedic Programs in the USA.

Kind Regards,

“JP” Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

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