9th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting
Updated: Aug 2, 2024
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to bring you the 9th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting (Meetings | CSS 2024). This year, we have focused on a critical and timely topic: Value in Orthopedic Surgery ("Value in Orthopedic Surgery: Let's Take a Closer Look"). The perception of value most certainly differs between surgeons, their hospitals, and the industry whose products they use and with whom they may collaborate. It is this complex interrelationship that we will consider in depth.
This year, we have collaborated with two important partners: Avant-Garde Health and The Journal for Orthopedic Experience and Innovation (JOEI). This way, we will have a perspective that is not only based on a practical analytic perspective but also an academic perspective. I am grateful to Derek Haas, MBA Founder and CEO of Avant-Garde Health, and Ira Kirschenbaum, MD, Founder and CEO of JOEI, for this partnership.
Part I of our program is entitled "Hospital Physician Collaboration and Financial Alignment for Cost Management." This year's highlight is our Keynote Speaker, Susanna Gallani, PhD, and Tai Family Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Accounting and Management unit at Harvard Business School. Her interests include Value-Based Healthcare, healthcare culture, and compensation plans. Other topics in this section will include examples and case studies of the successful hospital-physician relationships of co-management and gainsharing.
Part II of our program is entitled "Value in Orthopedics/Shoulder Care: Where is it?" In this session, experts will present the concepts of the value of sustainability in shoulder surgery, the cost of implants for joint arthroplasty, and the potential for digital technology to deliver added value to our patients and our hospital partners.
I am very grateful to our excellent group of dynamic speakers and leaders who agreed to give their time and generously share insights with us. I also want to thank Dr. James Esch & Leslie Lebitski of the San Diego Shoulder Institute for supporting our past annual meetings. Other than during the Pandemic, this is the only time we have presented our meeting as a 2-hour webinar with open discussion. This proved very successful, with several hundred individuals indicating interest in attending, including physicians, industry representatives, and other interested individuals.
We have posted our video links to both VuMedi and YouTube. For those in the medical profession or industry, VuMedi is a closed platform/network free to those wishing to sign up. This allows you to watch videos and post your comments and questions. For others, YouTube is an accessible viewing alternative.
I'd recommend viewing each session in separate blocks of time, as there is so much helpful wisdom and insight that you should digest in smaller bites.
I hope you find this presentation helpful and inspiring. Please feel free to share your thoughts via VuMedi chat or our LinkedIn page and WhatsApp group.
Best Regards,
Jon "J.P." Warner MD
Founder, CSS