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Bundle Payments: The Future of Orthopedic Care and Opportunity to Align Physicians and Hospitals

Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:

Enclosed is an article in HBR by Derek Haas and Jamie Chang. You may remember that Derek is the Founder and CEO of Avant-Garde Health ( ). This article is of value as it shows how physician alignment with the hospital is possible in the context of creating and sustaining an Episode of Care as a Bundle.

Recently Alexander Vaccaro, MD, PhD, MBA, President of Rothman Institute, Professor and Chairman of Orthopedics and Neurosurgery at Thomas Jefferson University gave a Grand Rounds at MGH entitled “Bundle Payments – The Good, Bad and Ugly.” The link to the video of his Grand Rounds talk is here: .

I recommend reading Derek and Jamie’s article and also viewing Prof. Vacarro’s talk. The reality that lies ahead for all of us is a movement from Fee-for-service to some other model, perhaps Bundle Payments. While this may all be confusing, I am holding out hope that Measurement of “Value” will allow us to align our care priorities and still make a living.

Let me know what you think

Kind Regards,

“JP” Warner, MD

Founder, CSS


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