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Digital Healthcare in the Post-Pandemic World

Dear Colleagues:

Please find enclosed the final announcement for our 7th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting, 2022: “Digital Healthcare in the Post-Pandemic World.” Many of you have already RSVP’d in the affirmative. Please re-confirm your participation, and if you are confirming for others in your group or company, please do so and list their names for us. For those who have not yet RSVP’d, please let us know if you can join us. Our meeting will begin on Saturday, June 18th at 4pm. Dinner will be provided so it is important that we have an accurate head count.

You will note that several changes and additions have been made to the program, including the addition of some experts in Digital Healthcare who will join us for discussion via Zoom.

To RSVP please email myself and/or my assistants at:,, and .

Finally, if you have not yet taken advantage of the opportunity to attend the San Diego Shoulder Institute Annual Meeting, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn the latest about shoulder care from Arthroscopy to Arthroplasty. To register for the SDSI, 2022 Meeting, Please go to .

Kind Regards,

Jon “J.P.” Warner MD

Founder, The Codman Shoulder Society


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