Emory Upper Extremity Grand Rounds
Dear Colleagues:
Enclosed is a message from Dr. Eric Wagner of Emory University:
It was my incredible honor to have been the host of one of Emory’s best Grand Round Lectures in a while. As many of our interests and discussions revolve around the intricacies of shoulder surgery and how to push the field forward, it is not often (especially for us younger surgeons) that we reflect on the impact and importance of things we do outside the OR. Dr. Jon “JP” Warner was gracious enough to give all of us a very unique look into just that on Monday, 2/21, at the Emory Upper Extremity Grand Rounds. From major life events to leadership to networks and entrepreneurial endeavors, it provided a very profound insight into the purpose in life and your ultimate footprint you might leave behind. He highlighted examples of his life of surgery, entrepreneurship, and family, conveying the importance of relationships and developing networks as vital to your ultimate success in life. This lecture is a perfect example of while cultivating surgical skills and clinical acumen are important, fostering lifelong habits of introspection, self-improvement, leadership, and collaboration are arguably more important within each of our lives.
Please see the link below for the lecture in its entirety on our Emory’s Upper Extremity YouTube:
Or here is the Dropbox link:
Thank you for your time!
- Eric Wagner
Kind Regards,
Jon “JP” Warner MD
Founder, The Codman Shoulder Society