If Patients Knew: Surgeon Stewardship Versus Balance Sheet Bureaucracy In Orthopaedic Surgery
Dear CSS Colleagues:
Enclosed is a link to an article in Forbes recently authored by Prem Ramkumar. Prem is a Fellow in Adult Reconstructive Surgery at BWH, Harvard Med School. He has written a number of inciteful articles in Forbes, and I encourage you to see more of his work by connecting to his LinkedIn Page (https://www.linkedin.com/in/premramkumar/ ).
Here is the Link to the above article: https://www-forbes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.forbes.com/sites/premramkumar/2021/10/21/if-patients-knew-surgeon-stewardship-versus-balance-sheet-bureaucracy-in-orthopaedic-surgery/amp/
Kind Regards,
“JP” Warner MD
Founder, CSS