Innovating Value in Orthopedics/Shoulder Care: Context + Culture + Chemistry + Timing
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to share with you a recent lecture I gave to my friends in Brazil who are participating in the first year of their MBA program at the University of São Paulo.

I was asked to speak about "Innovation." While I've given many such talks, this was the first time I've tried to address this topic in the context of our current times, and the economic reality that faces those who provide shoulder care. Moreover, I try to address the question of the culture in which we work and the impact of the chemistry we create through our collaborations with one another. Sometimes "Magic" happens, and we create value the way Michael Porter, Ph.D., and colleagues envisioned it: Improving care while lowering costs. I'm unsure if I've ever been able to do this, but I'll try to show some examples of those who have accomplished this task. I am enclosing three links to this lecture:
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YouTube is an open platform, while VuMedi is a closed platform for healthcare providers and those in the business of healthcare. It allows one to view videos, post comments, and reach out to the presenter. Thus, such communication permits some network effects. If you can't reach out to us or don't use VuMedi, I invite anyone with questions or comments to visit our WhatsApp Group (CSS WhatsApp) as well as our LinkedIn site (CSS LinkedIn).
I apologize in advance for the length of this presentation. The topic is challenging, so it isn't easy to be succinct. You won't hurt my feelings if you watch only portions of it. I hope it gives you some insight into what can happen in the right situations with the right people working together. Perhaps this will inspire your own work.
Kind Regards,
Jon "J.P." Warner MD