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Invitation to the 9th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting - Registration Now Open

Dear Colleagues:


            It is my pleasure to invite you to participate in the 9th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting. If you are not familiar with this organization, it was created to honor the legacy of E.A. Codman, MD who proposed the End-Result Concept. This was the precursor of Value-Based Healthcare which is now considered by many to be the foundation for healthcare.

            Our meeting is usually held at the completion of the San Diego Shoulder Institute (SDSI), the oldest shoulder meeting in the world at 41 years. This year, our 9th annual meeting will be a webinar due to the SDSI program being shortened to three days. Moreover, this meeting is about much more than the shoulder; and we will partner with two great organizations, Avant-garde Health and The Journal of Orthopedic Experience & Innovation (JOEI).


This year, our meeting will have two themes:


Part 1: Hospital-Physician Collaboration and Financial Alignment for Cost Management

Part 2: Value in Orthopedics/Shoulder Care: What is it? Who captures it?


Below is our program. We anticipate the overall length of our webinar will be two hours, and we plan to do this on the evening of Wednesday May 8th of 2024, from 7:30-9:30 EDT.

            Thank you for considering this event. Please RSVP below at your earliest convenience.


Kind regards,

Jon "JP" Warner, M.D.

Founder, Codman Shoulder Society

Derek Haas, M.B.A.

Founder and CEO, Avant-Garde Health

Ira Kirschenbaum, M.D.

Founder and CEO, JOEI


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