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Lanny Johnson on Innovation to Entrepreneurism

Lanny Johnson, MD on Innovation to Entrepreneurship:

“The Rigors from Concept to Commercialization”

Dear Colleagues,

I offer you a teaser for our 8th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting. Dr. Lanny Johnson will talk about his experiences and observations as an innovator/entrepreneur. Enclosed is an article he authored in 2020. It will be a good primer for our meeting.

I hope you can attend both the 40th-anniversary Meeting of the San Diego Shoulder Institute and the 8th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting.

Best Regards,

Jon “JP” Warner, MD

Founder, The CSS

Instructions for RSVPing for the meeting: Please email Dr. JP Warner (, Argen Omurzakov (, and Michael Navarro ( with the information below if you plan to attend our annual meeting:


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