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Leadership & Personality in Orthopedics

Dear Colleagues,

This coming June, the 8th Annual Meeting of the Codman Shoulder Society (CSS) will take place immediately after the 40th Anniversary Meeting of the San Diego Shoulder Institute (SDSI). The CSS meeting will address not only the topics of Innovation, Entrepreneurism, and Value-Based Healthcare, but the role of personality & leadership in career development. Enclosed is an article by Alan Friedman, who will lead our session on “Leadership & Career Development.” This program is intended not only for orthopedic surgeons but also for our industry colleagues, so we will have a panel of experts from industry and orthopedic leadership. I hope you can join us this year. For more information, please visit our website: ( )

Kind Regards,

Jon “JP” Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

Instructions for RSVPing for the meeting: Please email Dr. JP Warner (, Argen Omurzakov (, and Michael Navarro ( with the information below if you plan to attend our annual meeting:


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