Volume vs Value for Shoulder Replacement
Dear Colleagues,
Enclosed is a recent publication which is the result of our collaboration with Avant-Garde Health (https://avantgardehealth.com/), a Healthcare Data-analytics company committed to improving value of care. For about one year, we have been working on studies to demonstrate the value of care for patients with shoulder problems.
The enclosed study is based on an analysis of around 15,000 shoulder patients undergoing shoulder replacement. The link to the abstract is here, https://www.avantgardehealth.com/blog/research-study-abstract-higher-volume-surgeons-are-associated-with-better/. We found in a Nationwide study, that 20% of shoulder surgeons perform over 70% of all shoulder arthroplasties, and this is fortunate for patients, as the revision rate for these high-volume surgeons was 30% lower than for low volume surgeons. Unfortunately, there is a lack of alignment in healthcare when it comes to prioritizing access to care, creation of revenue, and delivery of quality. What do you think?
Lastly, I hope you can attend both the 40th anniversary Meeting of the San Diego Shoulder
Institute and the 8th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting.
Kind Regards,
Jon “JP” Warner, MD
Founder, The CSS
Instructions for RSVPing for the meeting: Please email Dr. JP Warner (jpshoulder@msn.com), Argen Omurzakov (aomurzakov@mgh.harvard.edu), and Michael Navarro (mnavarrojr@mgh.harvard.edu) with the information below if you plan to attend our annual meeting:
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