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What is Innovation & Who has the DNA to Innovate?

What is Innovation & Who has the DNA to Innovate?

Dear Colleagues,

The 8th Annual Meeting of the Codman Shoulder Society will consider the above questions. As surgeons we all fashion ourselves as innovators and we believe we do this every day. But what is Innovation and is it unique to an individual as an inherent trait or is it somethings we can develop? Is it an individual or team endeavor? Moreover what are the regulatory and cultural barriers to innovating a novel idea or product that changes the paradigm of care?

The enclosed video is one I gave at the Shoulder Experts Meeting in Rome last December. It made me think that we can all become innovators and perhaps even entrepreneurs if we ask the right questions and work in the right environment. You can view this video on either Vumedi or Youtube (See links below). I’ll be reaching out to all our membership soon with some questionnaires that will allow us to consider to what degree we all might actually be innovators.

Kind Regards,

Jon “JP” Warner, MD

Founder, The CSS

I hope to see you at the 8th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting

Instructions for RSVPing for the meeting: Please email Dr. JP Warner (, Argen Omurzakov (, and Michael Navarro ( with the information below if you plan to attend our annual meeting:


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