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When Will We Live in the Metaverse?

Dear Colleagues:

Recently, Harvard Business School Professors Andy Wu and David Yoffe published on the potential for the Metaverse to change how we approach business and education. They acknowledge that healthcare has already started to adapt this technology to surgical education. Enclosed are links to a short video that illustrates this enormous opportunity to bend the curve when it comes to the cost of surgical education and skill acquisition.

Link to VuMedi: Disrupting Surgical Education: Metaverse | VuMedi (for physicians and medical industry)

Link to Youtube: Disrupting Surgical Education: Metaverse - YouTube (for non-healthcare professionals)

I am also enclosing a recent article from authors at Columbia University which analyzed the comparative value of Immersive Virtual Reality versus cadaver dissection for surgical skill acquisition in shoulder replacement.

The possibilities for improved surgical skill and value for our patients are real for this and future generations.

Kind Regards,

Jon “JP” Warner MD

Founder, CSS


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